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Having an in-house dental laboratory is a privilege that is unique to very few dental offices. Our dental laboratory – Aesthetic Innovations is located on our premise. It is equipped with the latest and most advanced, cutting edge, dental laboratory equipment. Our technician, Michael Bent, is highly skilled and experienced in all aspects of dental technology. He received excellent dental laboratory education in the United Stated Air Force, which is known for its outstanding and highly regarded dental technology school.  He graduated in 1990 as a certified dental laboratory technician.  With over 26 years of dental laboratory experience, which includes 18 years of fixed and removable custom implant restorations, you can feel confident you are receiving the best quality restorations available. 


Working closely with Dr. Draper, Michael is able to fabricate high quality restorations that are custom made for each patient. The use of high quality, time tested materials and effective communication between us and him allow us to achieve exceptionally accurate and beautiful restorations and preosthess in the most efficient manner for our valued patients.

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